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Naomi Sheneman

Naomi Sheneman

Curriculum Developer

IRIS Project
Dept. of ASL & Interpreting Studies in the College of Education & Behavioral Sciences

Naomi Sheneman has been working professionally in the interpreting profession since 2000 in various roles. She is a consultant, researcher, educator, interpreter diagnostician, and interpreter. She is the first deaf woman to receive a Ph.D. degree in Interpretation from Gallaudet University in 2018.  She has worked with local, state, and federal grant programs tailored to sign language interpreters’ professional development needs. She gives presentations and trainings both nationally and internationally focusing on ethics, deaf interpreters’ work, power dynamics in interpretation, and medical interpreting. Her publications include a study on Deaf interpreters’ ethics, interpreting in international conferences, and power imbalances in interactions between deaf people and interpreters. Her most recent publication with John Benjamins Publishing Company argued for the need for critical disability lenses in interpretation and translation for both spoken and signed languages.