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Jocelyn Rios

Jocelyn Rios

Assistant Professor

Mathematical Sciences
Natural and Health Sciences

Contact Information

(970) 351-3535
Ross 2240B


Professional/Academic Experience

Research/Areas of Interest

My research lies in the area of equity in undergraduate mathematics education. I am particularly interested in learning how to better center and serve students from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds in the undergraduate mathematics classroom, particularly at Hispanic-serving institutions (HSIs). In my work, I explore the relationship between language, identity, power, and active learning in post-secondary mathematics classrooms. I has also been involved in developing a place-based, culturally responsive precalculus curriculum for dual-enrollment precalculus programs in the Southwest.

In addition, I co-organize Cafecito con Matem谩tica, a bilingual family math night that offers dinner for families, followed by engaging them in fun, culturally relevant math games and activities.

Publications/Creative Works