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Resources for Academic Advisors

Listen & Learns

Summaries of the campus partner seminars

Tag:  sas Listen and Learn

Skill Building

Tips and inspiration for your advising practice

Tag: sas Skill Building

News and Updates

Reminders from Student Academic Success

Tag: sas Announcements

Your Responsibilities as an Academic Advisor

As you advise or coach each student, you should:

  • Promote the value of the liberal arts (LAC) as a foundation for learning while guiding students through the curriculum
  • Ask about their personal and academic values, skills, interests, and goals.
  • Prepare for advising sessions by checking Degree Works, their past plans, and writing down situations for follow-up.
  • Identify the institutional policies, procedures, and requirements for that student's next milestone.
  • Reach out throughout the semester with invitations to meet and check-in

Advising Topics and Support

Refer to our frequently handled topics for summaries and direct links to the information you need.

  • Academic Probation Advising

    P1 Students from Spring who did not complete the old ASW were removed and assigned the new ASW on the Success at 甜心视频app shell. P1 Students from Spring who did complete the old ASW do not need to complete the new one. P1 Students from Summer were assigned the new ASW. 

    Note that active CHE students do not complete the Canvas course. CHE hosts academic success sessions, with a probation-specific session early in the semester. Refer to the students history and look for either an ASW note (Katie Mason) or a Probation Advising Report (from Flora) for confirmation the student completed the activity.

    Academic Probation means a student has a GPA less than 2.0 (1.99 and below). This student has 24 probationary credits to raise that GPA, and YOU are integral in their success. 

    Visit the Academic Probation Support Page. You should direct your probation questions to the Probation inbox.

    Common Questions:
    • Standing Codes
      • P1 = First Term (start counting their credits after the semester they become P1)
      • PC = Continuing (check their progress towards 24 credits)
      • PA = Appealed (one semester to RGS)
      • PF = Appealed with a prior suspension (one semester to RGS before facing a final suspension)
      • PS = Prior Suspension and readmitted (help them avoid a second, permanent suspension by reaching RGS in one semester)
      • PX= Prior Suspension and back on Probation (help them avoid a second, permanent suspension by reaching RGS before their 24 credits)
      • GS = Good Standing
      • 00 = Null Standing (no GPA calculated yet)
      • G1 = Good Standing, prior Suspension
      • S1 = Suspension First Time (help them with Readmission Appeals or Fresh Start)
    • Enrolled P1 Students must complete the and meet with you at least once a semester. Returning P1 students will complete the workshop once enrolled again.
    • Students can start Probation below a 1.0 (they are P1 with a .88) but cannot remain or fall under a 1.0 while a P-Code (the P1 student must reach a 1.0 before turning PC). They will be suspended otherwise.
    • Only letter-graded courses (those impacting GPA) are considered in the probation allotment. I, W, S+, S, U, and transfer courses do not apply.

    A PC student who takes courses at Aims will remain PC until their 甜心视频app GPA is at a 2.0, and you don't count their Aims courses in their 24. You also need to check if your advisees opted for S/U in 2020/2021 while on probation and that you are NOT counting any S/U courses in their probation credits.

    • Students who used a Grade Replacement with S/U (so they took a "U" while doing grade replacement) cannot submit another grade replacement application for that same class. Note: a grade replacement of "U" for "F" still helped their GPA (a little). Neither the original grade nor the new S/U grade are used in the GPA calculation.
    • Students may appear to be in Good Standing (GPA over a 1.99) yet still have an Academic Probation code. This happens when a student completed a grade replacement, grade change, incomplete, or retroactive withdrawal--which changes the GPA--and the current semester has not concluded or they were not enrolled in the last completed semester. The Academic Standing will be updated after all final grades are due the next term they are enrolled.

    We often see this in the Summer session (the first session grade changes the GPA but the standing won't change until the Summer run in August). Proceed with the typical probation advising. These students are still on probation based on their last, final, grade run. For the ASW requirement, these students will be invited but not required to complete the workshop. They will remain on Probation outreach lists. 

    • Students returning through Fresh Start-Freshmen must have earned fewer than 30 credits towards graduation (total, total not just institutional total) before leaving 甜心视频app to pursue Fresh Start. First, they must complete 24 transferrable credits with a 2.5+ GPA at another college. Second, they must earn a 2.5 on with 12+ GPA Hours at 甜心视频app in their first semester back to complete the process.
    • Students returning through Fresh Start-Returning cannot have attended 甜心视频app for a period of 3+ years to be eligible. You need to count 3 full years from the end of the semester they last attended 甜心视频app. This does not have transfer or GPA requirements to complete the process.
  • Aims2甜心视频app, Aims Cooperative, Aims Consortium

    The partnership between 甜心视频app and Aims has several benefits for students. 

    Aims2甜心视频app (a transition program that supports students through the associate's to a four-year degree). You may find Aims2甜心视频app helpful when advising students who are finding the transition to college especially challenging. 

    Program Requirements:

    • All students have a minimum of 2 advising appointments per term
    • Students must maintain a 3.0 GPA to receive our scholarship at Aims (up to $500 per semester). This is in line with 甜心视频app鈥檚 Admission Based Transfer Scholarships
    • All students must complete 2 Aims2甜心视频app sponsored/approved engagement opportunities. Many of these will take place on the 甜心视频app campus before students become full students there. This helps them to be familiar with the campus, services, and programs before they transition from Aims to 甜心视频app.

    Cooperative Agreement (students can enroll in courses between Aims and 甜心视频app that the other doesn't offer in a semester with no added tuition cost). Students do need to be enrolled full-time at one university first.

    Transfer Guides (students can identify what they can take between Aims and 甜心视频app that will apply towards a degree). You may find transfer guides for other Colorado Community Colleges helpful when advising students.

    Students can split their financial aid between 甜心视频app and Aims classes with the Consortium Agreement. The form is not posted online, so students need to visit Bear Central to speak with Financial Aid.

  • Certificate Contacts

    If a student would like to add a certificate to their degree, please connect them with the corresponding contact:

    • Arts Entrepreneurship Certificate Program 鈥 
    • Brewing Laboratory Science Certificate Program 鈥 Michael Mosher
    • Diagnostic Assessment and Skills Training Series 鈥 Please call the ASL & Interpreting Studies department, not all certificates may be offered 970-351-1075
      • Leadership and Supervision Certificate Program
      • Legal Interpreter Training Program
      • Educational Interpreting Certificate Program
    • Didactic Dietetics Education Certificate Program 鈥 Lisa Caldwell
    • Digital Marketing Certificate Program 鈥 
    • Human Resource Management Certificate Program 鈥 
    • Music Technology Certificate Program 鈥 
    • Safety Science Certificate Program 鈥 Byron Straw
  • Crisis Support

    You will likely support students through moments of crisis, and often they need referrals to experts and office equipped to help:

  • Exit Survey

    Any undergraduate degree-seeking student completing a full semester withdrawal is requested to complete the Undergraduate Withdrawal and Exit Survey. There is a separate process and survey for international and graduate students. The survey is sent once the student has officially been withdrawn from the semester by the Office of the Registrar via email.

    Survey Content:

    • Confirms student鈥檚 identity, classification, and intentions to withdraw
    • Student indicates whether they are a first-time student who has not started, current student who plans on returning the next semester, or current students who does not intend to return to 甜心视频app 
    • Asks whether student had financial aid, a housing contract, and/or dining contract
    • Comments


    • Student notifies Registrar's Office of intent to withdraw.
    • Registrar's Office processes the withdrawal request.
    • Exit Survey is sent via BearMail.
    • If a student indicates that they had financial aid or a housing and/or dining contract, respective departments are notified.

    Every year you need to complete the FERPA training through Canvas. You will register for the new FERPA course directly through HR, and you need to complete the course before October.

    The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. 搂 1232g; 34 C.F.R. Part 99) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. The law applies to all schools that receive funds under an applicable program of the U.S. Department of Education.

    FERPA gives parents certain rights with respect to their children's education records. These rights transfer to the student when he or she reaches the age of 18 or attends a school beyond the high school level. Students to whom the rights have transferred are "eligible students."

    • Parents or eligible students have the right to inspect and review the student's education records maintained by the school. Schools are not required to provide copies of records unless, for reasons such as great distance, it is impossible for parents or eligible students to review the records. Schools may charge a fee for copies.
    • Parents or eligible students have the right to request that a school correct records which they believe to be inaccurate or misleading. If the school decides not to amend the record, the parent or eligible student then has the right to a formal hearing. After the hearing, if the school still decides not to amend the record, the parent or eligible student has the right to place a statement with the record setting forth his or her view about the contested information.
    • Generally, schools must have written permission from the parent or eligible student in order to release any information from a student's education record. However, FERPA allows schools to disclose those records, without consent, to the following parties or under the following conditions (34 C.F.R. 搂 99.31):
      • School officials with legitimate educational interest;
      • Other schools to which a student is transferring;
      • Specified officials for audit or evaluation purposes;
      • Appropriate parties in connection with financial aid to a student;
      • Organizations conducting certain studies for or on behalf of the school;
      • Accrediting organizations;
      • To comply with a judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena; 
      • Appropriate officials in cases of health and safety emergencies; and
      • State and local authorities, within a juvenile justice system, pursuant to specific State law.

    Schools may disclose, without consent, "directory" information such as a student's name, address, telephone number, date and place of birth, honors and awards, dates of attendance, and photographs or video taken and maintained by the University. However, schools must tell parents and eligible students about directory information and allow parents and eligible students a reasonable amount of time to request that the school not disclose directory information about them. Schools must notify parents and eligible students annually of their rights under FERPA. The actual means of notification (special letter, inclusion in a P.T.A. bulletin, student handbook, or newspaper article) is left to the discretion of each school.

  • Housing & Residential Education

    Visit the Housing FAQs

    Here are few common questions that advisors may field:

    Admitted students who have confirmed their enrollment at 甜心视频app will be able to complete and submit the  using their Ursa login credentials without the @bears.unco.edu. Applications for housing on-campus are generally open until the add deadline for each term. See the FAQs for exceptions and more details.

    Housing & Residential Education and Student Outreach & Support may be able to offer short-term housing for students. Please reach out to Student Outreach & Support to begin this process. 

    All newly admitted students with fewer than 20 college credit hours earned after high school graduation (or equivalent), who are under 21, and are not living with their parent or legal guardian in the local area must live in the 甜心视频app's housing system through the completion of the first academic year of their attendance. See the FAQs for exceptions and more details.

    Contracts for future terms canceled after a certain date may have the deposit forfeited. Contracts can be canceled up until the halls open. See the FAQs for exceptions and more details.

    Students must be enrolled in 6 credit hours to live in University housing. Students who have dropped all courses must move out within 48 hours of dropping all courses. Students registered for between 1-5 credits may be able to continue living on campus. See the FAQs for exceptions and more details.

    Enrolled students can apply to live on campus during the Winter and Spring Break through the . Some housing options do not have an additional charge for this including Arlington Park Apartments, Hansen-Willis Hall, Harrison Hall, Lawrenson Hall, and University-Owned Houses (for 2023-24.) See the FAQs for exceptions and more details.

  • IDEA (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Anti-Racism)

    Equity-minded practices lie at the center of our work and are rooted in our student affairs mission. We believe in creating a community; we must understand and value our differences and common ground. We've developed the following community principles, as values, as a way to have action-oriented and aspirational discussions with equity in mind (Office of Equity and Inclusion).

    We commit to being:
    • Caring: We commit to providing a welcoming campus community environment where individuals can find a sense of belonging where we foster respect, empathy, and support to strengthen our campus community connection.
    • Inclusive: We embrace diversity in all forms of being. We value individuals and their uniqueness in our community. We recognize each individual's contribution is vital to achieving our institutional goals.
    • Civil: We uphold social justice and are committed to promoting fairness in treatment and access while raising awareness about equity-minded practices in our community.
    • Accessible: We acknowledge differences in our society and foster a learning environment through education and strategic actions. Enhance the quality of campus life for all.
    • Service-oriented: We seek to advance equity-minded practices and communications and be responsive in supporting our community.

    In April of 2021, the Advising Network sent a signed statement to the Office of the President, Equity and Inclusion, and Provost as a commitment to support inclusion efforts. You are expected to attend E&I Opportunities, complete the Implicit Bias Training (different Canvas course) each year, and actively work towards your cultural competency goals.

  • LAC Advising

    You need to know how the LAC changed with the 2021/2022 Catalog for Undergraduate Students and remember the old LAC for prior students. You will likely advise students across this catalog shift.

    If you have a student who was in a previous catalog where a course they took (transferred in or taken at 甜心视频app) counted for the old LAC Area 7 or 8 but is not counting under the current catalog, you as the advisor can submit a policy exemption to request for that course to count under the IS or MS designation. Read the LAC Council Minutes on this authorization.

    Students can double-dip between designated LAC courses.

    Changes from prior Core:
    1. Reduce minimum number of required credits from 40 to 31.
    2. Change the name from Liberal Arts Core to the Liberal Arts Curriculum.
    3. Add the option of an Advanced Writing Course for students who have already completed the requirements for an Intermediate Writing Course.
    4. Eliminate the requirement of taking courses from two different subcategories in Arts & Humanities.
    5. Eliminate the requirement of taking courses from two different subcategories in Social & Behavioral Sciences (if more than one course is taken in that category).
    6. Eliminate the requirement of taking courses from two different prefixes in Natural & Physical Sciences.
    7. Eliminate the current electives category.
    8. Remove exceptions to ENG 122 and MATH requirements for students with high enough SAT/ACT scores.
    9. Change the multicultural and international studies requirements as follows:
      1. Move United States Multicultural Studies and International Studies from their positions as separate categories into the Liberal Arts Curriculum.
      2. Specify a 鈥淯.S. Multicultural and International Studies Requirement鈥 that all students must take at least one course designated as U.S. Multicultural Studies and at least one course designated as
        International Studies.
    10. Change the 鈥淎rts & Humanities, History and Social and Behavioral Sciences 鈥 15 credits鈥 heading to 鈥淎rts & Humanities, History, Social & Behavioral Sciences, U.S. Multicultural, and International Studies 鈥 15 credits鈥.
    Old LAC (pre-2021)
    New LAC (2021+)

    6 Credits of Communication (Composition)

    6 Credits of Written Communication with an "Advanced" course through Option C. 

    Review Written Communication Placements

    3 Credits of Mathematics

    3 Credits of Mathematics

    Review Math Placements

    • 6 Credits of Arts & Humanities from two different subgroups
    • 3 Credits of History
    • 3 Credits of Social & Behavioral Sciences
    • 3 Credits from any subgroup in Area 3 or from a subgroup not already chosen in Area 5

    *The Multicultural and International Studies are distinct categories with fewer "double-dips."

    15 Credits total of Arts & Humanities, History, Social & Behavioral Sciences, U.S. Multicultural, and International Studies

    • 6 Credits of Arts & Humanities
    • 3 Credits of History
    • 3 Credits of Social & Behavioral Sciences
    • Additional courses to reach 15 total

    Students must select at least one class with the [MS] designation and one class with the [IS] designation. Help them plan which A&H, History, and S&B classes satisfy this requirement because they should double-dip.

    Students who miss the MS or IS designation may need to take more than 15 credits in this category.

    7 Credits of Physical and Life Sciences with different prefixes.

    At least one class must have a lab.

    7 Credits of Natural and Physical Sciences

    At least one class must have a lab

    You can now view a report of the current and upcoming LAC course offerings. This report is available to students as well.

    (40 minutes)

    (2 minutes)

  • Language Placements

    Students can take placements for language courses.

    Chinese and Spanish have an online test. Japanese and American Sign Language are evaluations with the department. 

    A student may receive prior learning credits provided a grade of 鈥淏鈥 (3.0) or higher is earned in the student鈥檚 first 甜心视频app course above the 101 level in a particular language (ASL, Chinese, French, German, Japanese and Spanish).

    The host college will complete a Prior Learning Credit petition through OnBase after your advisee receives a 鈥楤鈥 or higher grade in order to be awarded the prior learning credits. For ASL, please send the information to Kate. For World Languages, please send information to hss.studentsuccess.

    *Note: SPAN 305 is not eligible as a Prior Learning Credit Course.

  • Math Placements: ALEKS

    The University of Northern Colorado requires that students complete an assessment to determine readiness for mathematics and statistics courses though some students are exempt from this requirement. To access instructions, the ALEKS test, score information, and FAQs, visit the Math Placement website.

    Courses that require ALEKS:
    • MATH 120
    • MATH 124
    • MATH 125
    • MATH 127
    • MATH 131
    • MATH 171
    • STAT 150

    The placement exam is (1) required to be completed and (2) in the URSA system BEFORE students can register for the course.  Please be aware, it can take several days for ALEKS and URSA to sync, so be sure to take the test several days prior to registering for the course.

    Students can retake the assessment for a higher score if needed. If students are being told they need a code to retake ALEKS, they  will need to spend time in the Prep and Learning Module to review some of the concepts missed in the previous attempt. After this, the assessment can be retaken. You can view their ALEKS through Slate for NSR, in SOATEST, and in Navigate under Course Information (at the bottom).

    Based on their score, one of several things can happen:

    • Register for the standalone course
    • Register for the course + register for the co-requisite
    • If the score is too low, the student will be asked to take an appropriate pre-requisite at AIMS.

    Please do not ask the instructor or an advisor to bypass the ALEKS placement exam.  There is a reason we have the ALEKS placement test in place: we strive for student success, and taking the ALEKS placement exam helps identify which students need additional support, which has statistically shown to be helpful by increasing our pass rate for each course.    

    Note: ALEKS scores are valid up to 18 months after the test was taken, after which the student will need to contact math.placement@unco.edu or retake the placement test.

  • New Student Registration Advising

    Information for advisors about the upcoming NSO season is coordinated through Admissions (Pablo Valentin and Cedric Nixon). Students sign up through their Admissions Portal and receive pre-orientation/advising checklist items. There are multiple orientation dates for First Year Orientation and two dates for Transfer Orientation.

    Students can view this Advising and Registration Video Library for quick info bites

  • Registration Advising
    • The Add and Drop Deadlines occur at midnight, but students cannot access help from the Registrar after 5 pm. Please encourage them to make changes before the end of the work-day.
    • Students can register for 18 credits in the semester and 15 credits in the summer without overload requests. The Interim Session has a max of 4 credits with no overload ability, and students on Academic Probation cannot register for the Interim.
    • Holds are placed on student account on the Tuesday after the Drop Deadline each semester. The most common Holds are Bursar-related, Academic Standing, and Student-Athlete. NOTE: BearPay is not a registration hold; it means the student is signed up for BearPay (tuition installments).
    • Transfer evaluations typically take 3-5 business days once the transcript is received. Contact the admissions team to confirm if they received a transcript. AP scores usually arrive in July.
    • Generally, majors and minors can share a max of 12 credits for students with closely associated programs.
    • Students need to earn at least 120 credits for their Bachelor's and qualify for a Double-Degree after 150 credits and two completed majors.
    • Students must complete 20 of their last 30 credits at 甜心视频app before graduating.
    • You can view 4-Year Plans which can be helpful but be aware that students can feel pressure and panic if their track doesn't align perfectly with the outlined plan.
    • Remember to use the , your colleagues, and the Department when you have questions.
    • Several programs require a UNIV 101 section and reserve the seats. Look at the public catalog under "restrictions" to view any requirements.
      • Psych and Online Psych
      • Exploring
      • CHE
      • Sports Coaching
      • Honors (has an alternative option through Honors)
    • Your students likely transferred or need to transfer credit into 甜心视频app. Many students take classes at Aims over the summer or bring in dual-enrollment work.
      • Review their Transfer Equivalency Report (Look under "Grades" in your Faculty & Advisor Tools in Ursa)
      • Please direct them to Submit any Outstanding Transfer Work: the process can take several days from the time we receive their transcript.
      • Copy this YouTube video in emails to help them understand the process: 

    • You may need to explain Directed Study or other special courses to students. They need the approval of their instructor: here is a help sheet for context and reference on the process (and faculty may ask you for help too):
    • You may need to complete other OnBase requests such as Course Adjustments, Major/Minor Changes, or Policy Exemptions for your advisees. Save this Link with all the Banner Help Sheets and Form Instructions:
    • You also may need to complete overrides for students using SFASRPO in Banner. You will enter the Bear Number and Term, then press Go. Then enter the Type (Excluding Capacity is the most common). Then enter the CRN of the course you are granting the override. You should see the information show up in the Student Schedule Portion. When you are set, hit Save. NOTE: only perform this function if authorized by the faculty, department, or area.
    Provide the PIN:

    To Access Registration PINS, you have several options:

    • Ursa: Look under "Classes" in your Faculty and Advisor Tools. You will see links for Advisee Listing, Advisee Search, and Advisee PIN list.
      • Advisee Listing and Advisee Search- Once you locate your student, click on "View Profile." Then you can click on "Registration Notices" to view the PIN.
      • Advisee PIN list: This link generates an Excel list with ALL your assigned advisees. Column F has their assigned PIN
    • Banner: Search for SPAAPIN and enter the Term Code (you may want to write this down after your first search) and the Bear Number. This will pull up individual PINS
    • Insight: This can be the most time-consuming path. In the Production tab (you will need to log in again), click on your College Private Tab. Then click on AMD097: Pin for Individual Students or ACD029 PIN Lists for Currently Enrolled Students to download the information.

    Once your student has their plan and their PIN, you need to tell them their Registration Date. Reminder: the date is based on earned credits, so look at Navigate instead of Degree Works.

  • Student Support Services

    The Writing Center: /writing-center/ 

      • Appointments are recommended for the best session
      • Walk Ins from 9-4 on Monday-Friday
      • Library Hours from 6-9pm Monday-Thursday

    Tutorial Services: /tutoring/ 

      • Instruct students to schedule appointment online
      • Main floor Michener Night Drop-in from 5-8pm Monday-Thursday, 6-8pm Sunday

    Math Study Center: /nhs/mathematical-sciences/current-students/study_center.aspx 

      • Refer students to the calendar for drop-in times. 

    Counseling Center: /counseling-center/ 

      • Open business hours M-F
      • Refer students to call 970-351-2496 or complete the .

    The Psychological Services Clinic: /cebs/psychological-services-clinic/ 

      • Monday-Thursday, 8 AM 鈥 4 PM
      • Students can leave a confidential voice message to set up appointments, 970-351-1645 
  • Written Communication Placements

    Three Options exist for students to complete their requirements for the LAC. 

    • Option A: LAW1 (plus SAI) & LAW2
      • ENG 122 with 132
      • Recommend an Intermediate Course relevant to your program
    • Option B: LAW1 & LAW2
      • ENG 122
      • Recommend an Intermediate Course relevant to your program
    • Option C: LAW2 & LAW3
      • Recommend an Intermediate Course relevant to your program
      • ENG 323
    The Option Placements are based on three factors:

    STEP ONE: Consider Prior Learning (CLEP, AP, IB) and Transfer Credits

    If student brings in credit for LAW1 (ENG 122), they automatically place into Option B and just need to take a LAW2 course to complete the requirement.

    If student brings in credit for LAW1 & LAW2 (e.g., with CLEP scores), they have completed the 6-credit hour requirement.

    If student brings in credit for LAW2 (but not LAW1), they will need to take LAW3 to complete the 6-credit hour requirement.

    STEP TWO: Look at ACT/SAT test scores.

    If a student has a high enough ACT/SAT score, they have the choice to take either Option B or Option C.

    To take Option C, beginning with Intermediate Writing, students need to meet the prerequisites: or SAT Verbal with a minimum score of 630 or ACT English with a minimum score of 30 or SAT Reading Test with a minimum score of 34 or a recommendation from the Directed Self-Placement

    STEP THREE: Look at the Directed Self-Placement survey recommendation..

    All students take the Directed Self-Placement survey to help guide their decision-making about the best way to complete the Written Communication 6 credit hour requirement of the Liberal Arts Curriculum. 

    鈥 Score of 0-59 will result in recommendation for Option A pathway: CO 1 with SAI + CO 2.
    鈥 Score of 60-84 will result in recommendation of Option B pathway: CO 1 + CO 2.
    鈥 Score of 85-100 will result in recommendation of Option C pathway: CO 2 + CO 3.

    The DSP survey empowers students to make decisions about what pathway is best for them. Advisors help to guide that decision-making.

    Please feel free to email the writing program administrator, Tara Wood, with any questions: tara.wood@unco.edu

Advising Foundations and Skill Building

The academic advisors of 甜心视频app are expected to demonstrate competency in four foundational areas of practice, and they receive professional development support from three primary sources on campus. Advisors also complete the . 甜心视频app has a goal for 100% professional advisor certification by July 2022.

Human Resources

You can access professional development from University Human Resources. You will use Cornerstone for your annual compliance training: FERPA, Workplace Harassment, Technical Security.

All employees are expected to complete their compliance training before October 31 of each year.

Professional Development represents a core value of advising at 甜心视频app. We strive for a culture of replication and recalibration with intention to adapt our advising practice.

The new self-paced training course has been released in May 2022 with several updates:

  • Organized by Competency
  • Reduced Time to Complete
  • Self-Select Content Pathways

Unite Workshops

The UNITE series presented by the Division of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion gives Faculty & Staff the opportunity to begin or continue to engage in conversations in relation to inclusion across a broad range of identities.

Faculty & Staff will be provided with certificates of completion for each course to be placed in employees files.

One key topic is preparing for 甜心视频app for service as an HSI.

Are you interested in becoming a facilitator?

Facilitators Always Needed: Email Mikay Elliott if you are interested in hosting a 30-minute Skill or Talk Out session! All timely and relevant topics are welcome. You will receive a certificate badge for your files.