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Lab Publications

Barros, C. M., Benedict, L., & Sanchez, K. A. (2024). A review of the literature on female birdsong function. Animal Behaviour216, 23-35.  

Sanchez, K., Benedict, L., Holt, E. (2023). Landscape composition is a stronger determinant than noise and light of avian community structure in an urbanizing county. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 11: 1254280.

Sanchez KA*, Fialko K*, Benedict L, Cicero C (2023) Time alters urban singing strategies in a North American songbird. Journal of Urban Ecology 9 (1)

Jones SL, Dieni JS, Warning NB, Leatherman D, Dargis L*, Benedict L,  (2023). Canyon Wren (Catherpes mexicanus). In Paul G Rodewald, Brooke K Keeney (Ed.), Birds of the World. Ithaca, NY: The Cornell Lab of Ornithology. 

Benedict L, Charles A**, Brockington A**, Dahlin C (2022) A Survey of Vocal Mimicry in Companion Parrots. Scientific Reports 20271.

Pitt SG*, Benedict L (2022) Breeding Biology and Reproductive Success of Rock Wrens in Northern Colorado. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 134:260–268. PDF

Wilkins M, Benedict L (2021). Why We Didn’t Know That Female Birds Sing. Scientific American.

Benedict L, Hardt B*, Dargis L* (2021) Form and function predict acoustic transmission properties of the songs of male and female canyon wrens. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution.

Dargis L*, Benedict L, Najar N (2021). Female bird song rates do not covary with population density in a North American species. Ethology, 127, 1042-1052. or PDF

Lerman SB, Goldstein L, Benedict L, Covino KM, Dickinson JL, Fantle-Lepczyk JE, Rodewald AD, Vleck C (2021). Juggling parenthood and ornithology: A full lifecycle approach to supporting mothers through the American Ornithological Society. Ornithological Applications, 123, 1-9.

Benedict L, Covy N*, Love P**, Stier S* (2021). Human presence outweighs non-anthropogenic factors as a driver of avian nest parasite loads. Journal of Ornithology 62(1):155-164. or PDF

Hardt B*, Benedict L (2021) Can you hear me now? A review of signal transmission and experimental evidence for the acoustic adaptation hypothesis. Bioacoustics. Online first. or PDF

Benedict L, Warning NB*, Najar NA*, Pitt SG*, Lowther PE, Kroodsma DE, Farley GH (2021). Rock Wren (Salpinctes obsoletus). In Paul G Rodewald, Brooke K Keeney (Ed.), Birds of the World. Ithaca, NY: The Cornell Lab of Ornithology.

Cicero C, Mason NA, Benedict L, Rising JD (2020). Behavioral, morphological, and ecological trait evolution in two clades of New World Sparrows (Aimophila and Peucaea, Passerellidae). PeerJ. 8:e9249.  

Wilkins MR, Odom KJ, Benedict L., Safran R (2020). Analysis of female song provides insight into the evolution of sex differences in a widely studied songbird. Animal Behaviour 168:69-82.  or PDF

Benedict L, Logue D (2020) Avian Duetting: Back-and-forth with a Duo of Birdsong Experts. Birding Magazine. 52(6): 20-27. PDF

Covy NE*, Keeley W, Benedict L (2020). Cliff-dwelling bird species show variable behavioral responses to rock climbing. Natural Areas Journal 40: 245-251. PDF

Mitchell LR**, Benedict L, Cavar J**, Najar N*, Logue DM (2019) The evolution of vocal duets and migration in New World warblers (Parulidae) Auk: Ornithological Advances. 136:1-11 doi: 10.1093/auk/ukz003. or PDF
Read Liam Mitchell's  about this Article

Covy N*, Keeley WH, Benedict L (2019) Rock climbing activity and physical habitat attributes impact avian community diversity in cliff environments. PLOS One 14: e0209557  or PDF

Benedict L (2019) To Play or Not to Play – What Science can tell us about the use of Playback in Birding. Birding Magazine. 51(3):44-52. PDF

Benedict L, Najar N* (2019) Are commonly used metrics of bird song complexity concordant? Auk: Ornithological Advances 136:1-11.  or PDF

Najar N*, Benedict L (2019) The relationship between latitude, migration, and the evolution of bird song complexity. Ibis 161:1-12.  or PDF

Hathcock TG*, Benedict L (2018) Conspecific challenges provoke female canyon wrens to sing but not to duet Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 72:196.  or PDF

Hedley RW, Logue DM, Benedict L, Mennill DJ (2018). Assessing the similarity of song-type transitions among birds: Evidence for inter-species variation. Animal Behaviour. 140:161-170  or PDF

Odom KJ, Benedict L (2018). A call to document female bird songs: applications for diverse fields. Auk: Ornithological Advances 135: 314-325.  or PDF 
Listen to Lauryn discuss this paper on NPR's  or the BBC's  of Rutherford and Frye

Calisi RM . . . Benedict L . . .  43 other authors as part of A Working Group of Mothers in Science (2018) How to Tackle the Childcare-Conference Conundrum. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 201803153.  or PDF

Benedict L, Warning N (2017). Rock Wrens preferentially use song types that improve long distance signal transmission during natural singing bouts. Journal of Avian Biology 48:1254-1262.  PDF

Najar N*, Benedict L, Doll A, Spellman G. (2017) Highlighting the use of Museum Collections in Avian Research. The Auk: Ornithological Advances and The Condor: Ornithological Applications Online Joint Special Collection on Museum Collections. 

Benedict, L., Odom, K. (2017). Listening to Nature’s Divas. Birding Magazine 49:34-43). 

Warning N*, Benedict L. (2016) Facultative nest modification by rock wrens. Avian Biology Research 9:58-65. PDF

Bailey D** (2016) Dominance Heirarchies in horses: Comparing and Contrasting Different Methods for Assessing Heirarchies. Ursidae: The Undergraduate Research Journal at the University of Northern Colorado. Vol 5, No3. 

Najar N*, Benedict L. (2015) Female song in New World wood-warblers (Parulidae). Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 3:139.  or PDF

Warning N*, Benedict L. (2015) Overlapping home ranges and microhabitat partitioning among Canyon Wrens (Catherpes mexicanus) and Rock Wrens (Salpinctes obsoletus). Wilson Journal of Ornithology. 127:395-401. PDF

Warning N*, Covy N*, Rose A**, Phan, XM**, Benedict L. (2015) Canyon wren territory occupancy and site attributes in northern Colorado. American Midland Naturalist. 174:160-170. PDF

Warning N*, Benedict L (2015) Paving the way: Multifunctional nest architecture of the rock wren. Auk: Ornithological Advances. 132:288-299. PDF

Dahlin CR, Benedict L (2014) Angry birds need not apply: a perspective on the flexible form and multi-functionality of avian vocal duets. Ethology. 119:1-10.  to article with Supporting Information.PDF

Warning N*, Leatherman D, Covy N, Benedict L (2014) Male rock and canyon wrens evince their fitness as single parents. Colorado Birds 48:276-281. PDF

Benedict L, Rose A**, Warning N* (2013) Small song repertoires and high rate of song-type sharing among Canyon Wrens. Condor. 115:874-881.PDF

Benedict L, Krakauer AH (2013) Kiwis to pewees: the value of studying bird calls.  Ibis. 155:225-228. PDF

Warning N*, Benedict L (2013) Field Note: Atypical canyon wren nesting locations. Colorado Birds. 47:175-177. PDF

Rose A**, Phan XM** (2013) Changes in canyon wren vocalizations in advance of the breeding season. Undergraduate Research Journal at the University of Northern Colorado. Vol 2, No2. 

Benedict L, Rose A**, Warning N* (2012) Canyon wrens alter their songs in response to territorial challenges. Animal Behaviour. 84:1463-1467. PDF

Benedict L, Bowie RCK (2012) Rattling cisticola song features and variability across sub-Saharan Africa. Journal of Zoology. 287:96-103. PDF 
Featured in the summer 2012 Journal of Zoology .

Benedict, L Kunzmann MR, Ellison K, Purcell KL, Johnson RR, Haight LT (2011) California Towhee (Melozone crissalis). In: The Birds of North America Online (A. Poole, Ed.). Ithaca: Cornell Lab of Ornithology. No. 632.

Benedict L (2010) California towhee duets are multi-functional signals for multiple receivers. Behaviour. 147:953-978. PDF

Benedict L, Bowie RCK, Fuchs J, MacManes M (2010) When non-coding is non-neutral: the role of CHD1 gene polymorphism in sexing, phylogenetics and as a correlate of fitness in birds. Ibis. 152:223-225. PDF

Benedict L, Bowie RCK (2009) Macrogeographical variation in the song of a widely distributed African warbler. Biology Letters. 5:484-487. PDF

Benedict L (2009) Long term occupancy of home ranges and short term changes in use of habitat by California towhees (Pipilo crissalis). Southwestern Naturalist. 54:324-340.PDF

Benedict L, McEntee JP (2009) Context, structural variability and individuality of California towhee (Pipilo crissalis) duets. Ethology.115:77-86. PDF

Benedict L (2008) Unusually high levels of extrapair paternity in a duetting species with long-term pair bonds. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 62:938-988. PDF

Benedict L (2008) Occurrence and life history correlates of vocal duetting in North American passerines. Journal of Avian Biology. 39: 57-65. PDF

Benedict L (2007) Offspring discrimination without recognition: California towhee responses to chick distress calls. Condor. 109: 79-87. PDF

Shiflett MW, Smulders TV, Benedict L, DeVoogd TJ (2003) Reversible inactivation of the hippocampal formation in food-storing black-capped chickadees (Poecile Atricapillus). Hippocampus. 13: 437-444. PDF

Koenig WD, Benedict LS (2002) Size, insect parasitism, and energetic value of acorns stored by acorn woodpeckers. Condor. 104: 539-547. PDF

 * indicates a graduate student, ** indicates an undergraduate student