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Parking Rules and Regulations



Paragraph 1 -

These regulations shall be known as the Vehicle Regulations for the University of Northern Colorado at Greeley, Colorado.


Paragraph 1 -

The regulations contained herein are established under the authority of the Board of Trustees granted in the Colorado Revised Statutes Section 23-5-106, 23-5-107, 23-5-109 et. seq. to establish and make regulations for the well ordering and government of the University of Northern Colorado and to promulgate rules and regulations providing for the operations and parking of vehicles upon the University of Northern Colorado campus under the control of the Board.


Paragraph 1 -

The regulations contained herein, the sanctions for violations of the same, and the monetary use charges are for the purpose of providing and maintaining a safe and uncongested means for the movement and parking of vehicular traffic on the campus of the University of Northern Colorado.


Paragraph 1 -

These regulations are effective for the University of Northern Colorado from, and after, April 19, 2004.


Paragraph 1 -

It shall be the duty and responsibility of all officers of Parking Services, unless otherwise provided herein, to enforce these regulations.

Paragraph 2 -

Parking Services can suspend enforcement of restricted parking spaces when special events require such suspensions. This includes all parking metered areas.

Paragraph 3 -

No employee of any other University of Northern Colorado Department can authorize persons to park or drive in violation of these regulations without prior written permission of the Manager of Parking Services. In case of emergencies, University Police and fire departments can authorize persons to park in violation of these regulations.

Paragraph 4 -

All parking lots and zones will be enforced as designated by the posted sign(s) at the entrance to the lot and by these regulations.

Paragraph 5 -

All specially restricted areas, within any parking lot or zone will be enforced on a 24-hour basis. These areas include, but are not necessarily limited to fire lanes, no parking zones, accessible parking spaces, loading zones, service drives, signed timed areas, and other areas designated by descriptive signs or markings.

Paragraph 6 -

甜心视频app parking lots are enforced 365 days a year. All parking lots and zones will be enforced during "Finals Week" at the end of each semester unless otherwise announced &/or posted.

Paragraph 7 -

It shall be the responsibility of all people using the University of Northern Colorado parking lots to know and understand all rules provided here.


Paragraph 1 -

The following words and phrases shall have the meanings ascribed except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning.

Barricades means any restrictive device be it rope, wood, metal, paper, etc., that the University of Northern Colorado places in a roadway, service drive or parking lot, to control traffic and/or parking.

Emergency vehicle means any police vehicle, fire department vehicle, ambulance, or other vehicle authorized by permit by Parking Services.

Faculty/Staff Member shall include all persons who are employed and/or using office facilities at the University of Northern Colorado, or leased by the University of Northern Colorado.

Impoundment means towing, storage, and/or booting of any vehicle.

Motorcycle or moped means every motorized vehicle designed to travel on not more than three wheels in contact with the ground.

Parking permit means a University of Northern Colorado issued permit that is valid for the current academic year, and will be made clearly visible when a window sticker is adhered by its own adhesive to the inside of the windshield, lower left corner, driver鈥檚 side, or by means of a hang tag facing frontward, un-obscured on the rear view mirror. It also means a temporary University of Northern Colorado issued permit that is valid for the current academic year, semester, month, week, or day, and will be made clearly visible when displayed according to directions printed on the permit.

Regulatory sign means all traffic control devices, signs, signals, and markings, placed or erected for the purpose of regulating, warning or guiding traffic and parking.

School year means the period of time starting on the first day of fall semester through the day before the first day of fall semester of the following year.

Service vehicle means any vehicle with a firm or company name, or a government license plate, being used to provide service, commodities or maintenance requested by the University of Northern Colorado, or any other vehicle so designated by permit by Parking Services.

Student shall include all persons doing undergraduate or graduate work at the University of Northern Colorado. This includes all persons residing on or off campus, in extension programs, or doing part-time work as well.

Vehicle means every mechanical device or animal upon, in, or by which any person or property is, or may be, transported or drawn.

Visitor means every person who is not a student, faculty, or staff member at the University of Northern Colorado, or who does not work out of campus facilities, have an office on campus, or is otherwise not a member of the University community.