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Resources: Picture Analysis

Multiple pictures are provided below which represent the different settings legal interpreters could work in. The pictures are provided for the purpose of conducting an analysis to better understand the complexities of the interaction and the people involved.

The analysis of any picture below could be used with the various Legal Interpreting Skill Development activity guides. The activity guides for Case Study Analysis or Interpreting Lines of Questioning specifically could provide a visual space and players that could reveal the multi-layered complexities of the interaction in a specific setting.

Sheneman provides an ASL overview of this resource section and how it can be used.

Picture Analysis Steps:

  • Select a photo that captures a setting in which interpreters might be involved.
  • Create a description of a scenario based on the photo.
  • Analyze the scenario.

Different approaches can be used in a picture analysis - applying Dean's and Pollard's Demand-Control Schema is one option while applying Systems Thinking is another option. 

Demand-Control Schema identifies and analyzes the challenges (demands) present in an interaction and predicts the resources (controls) available to the interpreter in that setting.

Sample Demand-Control Schema Analysis

Guide to Applying DC-S in a Picture Analysis

Systems Thinking explores how each person in an interaction relates to the judicial system overall.

Sample Systems Thinking Analysis

Pictures for Analysis:

The following images were gathered from a variety of online resources. Some pictures provide a description of a possible scenario. The scenario description establishes a specific context and players within the interaction for analysis. Feel free to craft scenario descriptions for the pictures provided or to search the internet for additional images to use for picture analysis.

  • In the Courtroom

    Deaf Couple's Divorce ProceedingsDivorce Proceedings for a Deaf Couple

    Possible Scenario
    A Deaf couple is involved in a messy divorce proceeding. Both are represented by their own attorney. The wife, who is a person of color, is the plaintiff in this matter and the husband is the defendant. Child custody of two children and division of property are issues of contention. A variety of witnesses will be called, including character witnesses who are Deaf, and a psychologist who has interviewed the family members. You are part of a team of interpreters working for the court in this matter. There are also table interpreters for each party.

    Deaf Defendant's 1st AppearanceDeaf Defendant's 1st Appearance

    Possible Scenario
    A Deaf defendant is making a first appearance in court on a felony charge of drug possession with intent to distribute. He has been assigned a public defender who he has met with only briefly just prior to the court appearance. At the time of his arrest, he had over 50 grams of cocaine packaged and in his possession, along with a large amount of cash. He was one of four individuals arrested in a drug bust in an apartment complex where a large number of Deaf individuals reside. At this hearing, he will enter his plea and the next court date will be set. You are the court鈥檚 interpreter.

    Deaf Plaintiff's Civil TrialDeaf Trial Attorney

    Possible Scenario
    A Deaf male person of color is the plaintiff in a breach of contract trial. The Deaf plaintiff is a well-established graphic designer who was contracted to produce a variety of deliverables for a public relations firm that involved creating a variety of visual concepts, using computer software, to communicate ideas that inspire, inform, and captivate consumers for the PR firm. The plaintiff developed the overall layout and production design for various applications such as advertisements, brochures, magazines, and a corporate report for the PR firm. The parties dispute whether the terms of the contract have been satisfied and final payment for services, totaling $68,000, has not been made. The matter is being heard before a civil jury.

    Deaf Witness in Jury TrialDeaf Witness

    Possible Scenario
    A Deaf woman of color was witness to a serious car accident and is serving as a witness for the plaintiff in this matter testifying about what she observed prior to, during and immediately after a car crossed the center line and hit the plaintiff鈥檚 car which was directly in front of her car. The Deaf woman was the person who called for police and medical assistance right after the accident. Both drivers were injured, but the plaintiff鈥檚 injuries were serious requiring extended hospitalization and rehabilitation. Plaintiff sustained permanent mobility impairment as a result. The Deaf witness is being called by the plaintiff but will also be cross-examined by the defense in this matter. A civil jury has been empaneled.

    Prior to Calendar CallPrior to Calendar Call

    Traffic CourtTraffic Court

    Deaf WitnessDeaf Witness

    Deaf Juror Deaf Juror

  • Meetings

    Attorney Meeting with Deaf CoupleAttorney Meeting with Deaf Couple

    Possible Scenario
    A senior citizen Deaf couple鈥檚 home was broken into and they were assaulted and robbed approximately eighteen (18) months ago. As a result of the assault, they were both injured. They lost several thousands of dollars in jewelry, cash, and electronics. Two individuals were arrested for the crimes and they are meeting with the District Attorney/Prosecutor in this matter to discuss the upcoming trial and the testimony they will be providing. This is the criminal trial related to this matter. There is also to be a civil trial.

    Deaf Attorney's Job InterviewDeaf Attorney's Job Interview

    Possible Scenario
    A young Deaf attorney is applying for a position as an attorney with a law firm that specializes in disability law. He is being interviewed by two of the firm鈥檚 partners - neither of whom know sign language. The Deaf attorney has about five years of experience he brings to the interview - three of which involved working for a Law Center focused on addressing access issues for disabled individuals. The firm鈥檚 experience with Deaf individuals to date has involved lawsuits against hospitals who failed to provide linguistic access to Deaf individuals who were patients or family members of patients. 

    Deaf Senior CitizenDeaf Senior Citizen

    Possible Scenario
    An 87-year old widowed Deaf woman is meeting with her attorney regarding a series of letters she has received, demanding payment of property taxes for a house she sold two years ago. The property taxes are stated as being arrear taxes from a period when she still owned the home. There is some question as to whether this may be some sort of a scam. The Deaf woman is confused and extremely upset and after multiple attempts on her own to get this matter resolved is anxious for advice from her attorney. 

    Estate PlanningEstate Planning

    Possible Scenario
    A 40-year old divorced Deaf woman with three young children has recently inherited a large sum of money from her paternal grandfather. She is seeking guidance from an attorney with extensive estate planning expertise to help her examine her financial needs and assets in order to make sure that she and her children are provided for in the best possible way, as well as disposition of property at the time of her death. She also wants to know the implications of her decisions in the event she should meet someone and marry again.

    Attorney Meeting with Deaf ClientAttorney Meeting with Deaf Client

    Deaf Woman Paying Court Fees Deaf Woman Paying Court Fees

  • Police Interrogations / Questioning

    Police Interrogation of a Young Deaf MalePolice Interrogation of a Young Deaf Male

    Possible Scenario
    A young Deaf male POC (17 years of age) is being questioned by the police regarding vandalism that happened after hours at the high school he attends. He, along with several other students, are suspects in the incident that resulted in substantial damage to school property - particularly equipment in the computer and chemistry labs and the display cabinets for sports awards. The suspect鈥檚 parents are also Deaf. 

    Police Interview RoomPolice Interview Room

    Police Interrogation RoomPolice Interrogation Room

    Police Interrogation of a Deaf POC MalePolice Interrogation of a Deaf POC Male

     Detectives Questioning Deaf WitnessDetectives Questioning Deaf Witness

    Federal Agents Questioning Deaf WitnessFederal Agents Questioning Deaf Witness

    Police QuestioningPolice Questioning

    Police Questioning Deaf ChildPolice Questioning Deaf Child

    Police Questioning Deaf MalePolice Questioning Deaf Male

    Police Questioning Deaf SuspectPolice Questioning Deaf Suspect

Grant Recognition

The contents of the Project CLIMB website was developed under a grant (#H160D160001) from the Department of Education. The contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the Department of Education. Do not assume endorsement by the Federal government.

As of December 31, 2021, this grant project is no longer active or soliciting applications.
This website will remain available as a resource.

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