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Forms, Elective Declarations and Documents

Honors Forms Submission/Honors Elective-Honors Options Declaration Link

Use this link to submit course forms and/or to declare your honors coursework, such as electives and HIP course options, or to request substitutions for required courses.

Requests to begin Upper Division Honors for HIP students is also included in this as well as the request to formally withdraw from Honors.

Forms found on the that can be completed fully online (no signatures or external forms required):

    • Experiential learning (Practicum/Internship/Student Teaching/Field Experience) pre and post forms (Use pre-form at the beginning of a semester, and post-form after the course experience is complete. We require a reflection, which may be the same as was used for the original experience. If you are declaring this after you have already completed it, please just use the "Post-Experiential Options form".
    • Study Abroad
    • HIP theme declaration
    • HIP Portfolio upload
    • HIP Course by Contract (will need signature by the instructor - so you may download the form below, email or print and take it to the instructor, and then upload it back to the forms submission. You may turn in hard copy forms to the Honors Office as well - but please go ahead and fill out the Course by Contract on line information, and then note that you are bringing the hard copy form into the office).
    • Research Methodology course declaration form (For UHP - Note ANY Research heavy course or course that explains how to do research, may be used.  If the course has "research" in the title, it can most likely be used.)
    • HIP to UHP Intent form (for HIP students to declare that they are going to also begin UHP).
    • UHP Graduate Course form - to declare any 500-level course to be used as an elective toward UHP.
    • Directed Studies (422) Substitution for HON451. You may also request to substitute other departmental capstone course work here to count toward your 3 credits of HON451 for UHP.
    • UHP Professional Engagement form
    • Thesis/Capstone forms submission: Advisor Agreements, Proposal and final Capstone Approval forms.  Please download forms from below, and then upload here after you have signatures.  You may also drop off hard copies, but please also complete the online form too!
    • Withdraw from Honors
    • Intent to Graduate this semester and information to be included in the commencement program.

Forms that require signatures can be found in the sections below. For forms that require signatures, please download the form, obtain signatures first, and then upload to the forms submission link.